Future World: Finding a Time for Øtherworld

It goes without saying that when you’re writing novels set in the far future, you have to consider how technology and society have changed. The further forward you go, the more drastic those changes will be. Recently, a reader asked me how far in the future my Øtherworld series takes place. Before I answer that, … More Future World: Finding a Time for Øtherworld

The Gods of Dragonlance – Why I Ditched the Deities in Øtherworld

I am such a geek and I was totally into the Dragonlance saga at one time in my life. I owned every last book in the series. I read them and re-read them, especially the first two trilogies. They were filled with adventure, magic and all manner of dangerous creatures. They were also filled with … More The Gods of Dragonlance – Why I Ditched the Deities in Øtherworld

Size Does Matter: Writing and Drawing to Scale When Your Subjects Are Larger-Than-Life

I remember being really pumped when I found out that they were remaking Godzilla. There hadn’t been a Godzilla film since the ill-conceived Godzilla 1985, which frankly was about as bad as the 80s King Kong remake. I’ve always been a big fan of the campy Godzilla films where costume monsters fight it out through … More Size Does Matter: Writing and Drawing to Scale When Your Subjects Are Larger-Than-Life

Worldbuilding: A Look at the Religion and Magic of Øtherworld

In this worldbuilding post, we will look at the magic and religion of my forthcoming sci-fi series, Øtherworld. In Jarrod’s real life dystopian future, religion plays a big part in most people’s lives: “The cripple, despite his affliction, was a deeply religious man. Most folks were these days. “Atheism was out-of-fashion, at least in the … More Worldbuilding: A Look at the Religion and Magic of Øtherworld

Worldbuilding: A Look at the History and Politics of Øtherworld

In my last worldbuilding post, we looked at the various environments of my forthcoming sci-fi series, Øtherworld. In this one, we’re going to look briefly at the history and politics of the world Jarrod lives in. “Jarrod had lived in the New York Megalopolis as longs as he could remember, in the precinct that used … More Worldbuilding: A Look at the History and Politics of Øtherworld

Worldbuilding: A Look at the Environments of Øtherworld

My newest sci-fi novel, Øtherworld: Luckbane, will take place in the future in several different environments. The first is Earth. It’s not a nice place. It’s overpopulated. It’s polluted. It’s practically lawless. Jarrod, our protagonist, lives in what used to be Charleston, WV, which is now part of the New York Megalopolis. He’s never seen … More Worldbuilding: A Look at the Environments of Øtherworld